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The GPS for Your Soul: Listening for the Universe's Guiding Cues

Hello, my wonderful readers,

As I pondered over how to better manage my time, I decided to switch up my blog schedule from weekly to every two weeks. This shift has given me a bit more breathing room to dive into my newsletter, which I now send out in the weeks between my blog posts.

Speaking of newsletters, I can't help but wonder, have you taken the plunge and subscribed? If not, I'd love to know what's holding you back.

You see, you might be missing out on some seriously good stuff.

These newsletters are like a sneak peek into my world, where I dish out the latest in social media updates, give you snippets of what's keeping me busy, and let you in on exclusive special offers or discounts before anyone else.

If that sounds like the kind of inbox action you're up for, just give that link a little click, and like magic, you'll be part of the VIP crew.

But now, back to the blog!

The past few weeks have been filled with emotional moments - my late grandma's birthday, Ruben's due date, and the bittersweet feeling as my DreamBuilder course and the summer draws to a close. While these changes evoke sadness, they also remind me to cherish each moment and connection.

Even in grief, there are glimmers of light revealed through everyday moments of joy and meaning.

A few days back, I had to say goodbye to two dear friends, who had been staying with us throughout the summer, all the way from Barbados.

They're not just any couple; their bond is beautiful, a shining example of love.

But beneath the surface, one of them is fighting a silent battle – stage 4 terminal cancer.

Saying goodbye this time hit hard. It's not just the temporary separation; it's the realisation that our paths might not cross again.

But you know what was even harder? Holding back the emotions. I didn't want to show my sadness, didn't want to upset my friend further.

It's a tough act to keep a straight face when your heart is heavy. But I am grateful that he is able to return to a place he wants to spend his final days, and that he has his family, his friends and his faith with him.

There are moments in life that touch you so deeply they stay with you forever.

I want to share one such encounter that's been replaying in my mind – a memory that's both bittersweet and heartwarming.

It all happened on a day that holds a special place in my heart – the second anniversary of Ruben's due date.

27th August 2021- Ruben Riley- Always in our hearts.

On this significant day, something beautiful unfolded as I was helping out my mum at the coffee kiosk in the local market.

Picture this: a little bundle of energy, about two years old, cradled in his mum's arms, ready to take on the world. This little dynamo confidently placed an order for a hot chocolate masterpiece. And when I say masterpiece, I mean it – he went all in with the cream, marshmallows, sauces, and wafers. With each added layer of deliciousness, his eyes lit up with wonder, like he was witnessing magic unfold right before him.

It was a symphony of joy, a reminder of how

Simple things can bring such boundless happiness.

And then came the twist that sent shivers down my spine – the little one's name was Ruben.

It was like the universe was whispering a secret in my ear, reminding me that life is full of these incredible connections that we often overlook.

As I stood there, layering on the toppings, my heart was doing a dance of its own.

It was no longer about the hot chocolate; it was about the serendipity of that moment, the way the universe weaved our lives together, even if just for a fleeting instance.

I looked at my partner Dan, and then at my mum, and despite tears in my eyes, a smile spread across my face. It was a smile that held more than words could express – a smile of gratitude, of acknowledgement, of connection.

You see, life has this way of surprising us when we least expect it. It reminds us that there's magic in every day, that even a cup of hot chocolate can carry a touch of enchantment.

At that moment I looked up to the skies where I imagined Ruben smiling down on us and I simply whispered "I love you too, my sweet boy"

As if the week didn't have me feeling enough emotions, more was to come as I logged in to my weekly mindset call with TechPixies.

This week was memorable because a dear friend and fellow TP was the guest host.

As her voice filled my ears through the screen, it felt like a comforting hug, a reminder that we're all on this journey together, even if we're miles apart.

Her story is like a beacon of hope – a shining example of how TechPixies can transform lives.

It's been amazing to watch her grow and to witness her journey of self-discovery.

During this call, something she said hit me like a ton of bricks (the good kind).

She talked about embracing a higher force, whether you call it the universe's nudge or a touch of something divine. This cosmic force gently guides us down the path that's meant just for us. It's like having a cosmic GPS, but for life.

Her words felt like a big ol' cosmic "aha" moment. It was like she was speaking straight to my heart, as if she'd peeked into the inner workings of my thoughts.

Ever had that feeling?

When someone's words hit you so hard, you're left nodding like,

"Yep, that's it. You've got it."

And here's the kicker – it wasn't just a theoretical thing.

It felt real, like a truth I'd been dancing around without realising it. It's about letting go of the steering wheel a bit, trusting that the cosmic GPS knows where it's taking you.

I felt that resonance, that connection to something greater.

As we embrace these moments, there's a powerful lesson to be learned. It's about finding meaning in the seemingly ordinary, about cherishing the connections that make us feel alive, and about acknowledging the cosmic currents that guide us.

Life has a way of nudging us towards growth, transformation, and deeper understanding if only, we're willing to listen.

So, Let's open our eyes to the magic that surrounds us, even in the most unexpected places. Let's cherish the connections that bloom in our lives, knowing that each one holds the potential to change us.

And let's trust in the journey, in the cosmic GPS that guides us towards our own unique path.

Remember that the smallest moments can carry the greatest significance!

Until next time, my wonderful readers, keep your hearts open to the magic that surrounds you, and may your days be filled with serendipitous smiles and meaningful connections.

Take care

Claire Louise xoxo

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